Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hip parenting?!

Ok, so as if I am not under enough pressure…today I found an article called “Hip Parenting”. Under the caption is a picture of a proud father with his son….dad is sporting tons of tattoos and a Mohawk haircut. Great…just when I thought I was getting the hang of the whole parenting thing, (it’s only taken 24 years), now I find out that to be a good mom, I have to be hip! In the 80’s I found out I needed to work outside the home to be a good mom. After all, what kind of example was I setting for my daughters by wasting my time at home? In the 1990’s, the catch phrase was “quality time”. That was an interesting one….it doesn’t matter if you only spend 10 minutes a day with the little ones, as long as it was well spent. And here I was, convinced I needed to put time and effort into parenting! Now, I find that I need to be a cool mom, or my kids could be warped for life. If I don’t get my nose pierced, my daughters may decide to join a cult, or may need years of therapy! According to my kids, I don’t even know what hip is! Maybe I need to wear belly baring fashions. Although I don’t think it might look too attractive after 5 kids, it works for Brittany! Oh wait…she lost custody of her kids. Maybe instead of playing the “Wiggles” CD in my minivan, I should be exposing the kids to “Sublime” and taking them to church meetings on the back of a Harley. After all, Madonna is actually writing books for children now…
I think it may be hopeless. I am just not “edgy”. I will never get the hang of being a perfect parent.

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