I know this may come as shock to some...but I am not the world's greatest driver. Why just a couple of days ago I received a stern reprimand by a gray haired ranger for speeding through the park. (I was doing 10 miles per hour in a 5 mile zone). So my recent accident may not come as a total surprise. It was a dark and stormy night (really) and I took a wrong turn back to the trailer. I went to make a u-turn, when I found the only guard rail in town. In my defense, they don't believe in street lights here. My minivan is currently in the shop. In the meantime, I am driving a rental. Some of you may be thinking "Kia", but I am currently driving a Dodge Ram pick up truck! Something about people nervously waving and then dodging as I come down the road makes me feel rather powerful. ;)
As I have mentioned before, it gets very windy up here. Recently, the high winds knocked down a large tree by the adult lodge. This is a photo of the stump of that tree.

The tree took out the southwest corner of the wrought iron and brick fence surrounding the pool.

Skylar, Haley and Kaelyn surprised me this week by their enthusiasm helping me do the laundry. I thought perhaps my little darlings have inherited some kind of domestic gene from a remote ancestor, rather than my housework phobia.

However, it turns out that while I was distracted with over-bleaching the laundry or untangling my unmentionables, the little angels were giving each other spine tingling rides in the laundry carts. You would think other patrons of the Laundromat would frown on child laden carts hurtling into the dryers; however they just smile fondly and grow misty-eyed recalling their own offspring's similar antics.

I am certain that some day I will look back on some of the more harrowing moments of motherhood and grow teary-eyed...perhaps in gratitude that I survived!
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