Wow! So much has happened since I last posted to this blog!It's a new year, with a great many new changes! We are going to have a new President, gas prices are down and people in general seem so much more optimistic! We had a lot of changes as a family. Kaelyn had a birthday & she is 5 years old! She is now a big kindergartner. :)

Haley had a birthday too! She turned 7 on Halloween.

. A few days before Christmas, the twins had their first birthday!

However, our biggest change as a family came in November. We no longer live in a regular "stick" house. We are officially full time RVing! We have a 37' trailer. We are currently in Acton, California. Acton is beautiful, we are in the mountains. It's a nice change after several years in the desert. It is strange to go to the post office and see a sign advising customers not to tie their horses to the rails! lol. We will probably be here until mid-January. We are enjoying "camping full-time" and have already had many adventures. Being city girls, we are not used to seeing much wild life. We have already seen raccoons, rabbits and coyotes. We were actually snowed in!

Adjusting to our new life has been interesting. We were already homeschooling, so it was just a matter of establishing a routine. Our trailer has a separate bunk house, so the girls have their own space. The biggest adjustment was living in a much smaller space with a lot less "stuff". I think it is really a good experience. We are realizing just how materialistic we had become. I do miss my washer and dryer. The RV park has its own laundry facilities, but it's not the We also shop for groceries a bit more frequently.On the other hand, we are fortunate enough to have a full sized refrigerator. Although RVing with children has not turned out to be very difficult, RVing with pets is another matter! I can no longer put the dogs into the back yard and let them run around to do their business. They have to be walked...frequently. I can't let them out alone for fear of coyotes and hawks. So, I get up at the butt-crack of dawn to walk them, no matter how cold it is, and I can't go to bed at night until they've been walked, rain or snow. As the old saying goes...every cloud has a silver lining. I have lost 10 lbs with all the extra exercise! All in all, we are really enjoying ourselves. We'll be posting more about our new life.
Happy New Year everyone!
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