I just realized that this is Skylar's last year in the single digits. As foolish as it may seem, I cried over this milestone. Because of the challenges we are facing this year, we decided that a birthday party would not be possible. However, such a momentous occasion still merits recognition, so we decided to celebrate with a sleepover. When Ani turned ten, we celebrated with a sleep over. I awoke early the next morning to find all of our little guests scurrying around the roof, and there was enough soda on the floor to keep several colonies of ants happy. I was so traumatized that I vowed there would be no more sleep overs. It was with some trepidation that I agreed to allow my little angels to plan one. However, it was everything I've always thought a sleep over should be...makeovers, manicures and giggles. I myself was the recipient of a glamorous makeover that would have put Tammy Faye to shame. I fell asleep to the sounds of whispers and giggles about 1:00 a.m., then awoke bright and early to prepare breakfast for the girls who were of course bright eyed and full of energy. I think I enjoyed myself almost as much as the girls did! Perhaps sleep overs aren't so bad after all...well I'm off for a nap. :)
LOL, you know there will be future sleepovers!
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