My name is Skylar. I am 7 years old. My birthday is June 14th. I am home schooled. I like a school game called “Get the Bunny to the Log”. It is a reading game. My favorite color is yellow. I like horses and I have always wished for one. I have been pony riding, and want to take riding lessons. I also like jewelry, especially pearls. I like to play video games, and I like pokeman. I have some pokeman cards. I also like dragons. I pretend that I have dragon eggs, and when they hatch, I have new pet dragons. I like to paint. Once when we did art, we made our own play dough, and I made mine really fancy. We were talking about texture. I like to sing. I have a harmonica. I go it from my grandma. I like to play it a lot, and I never put it down. I want to learn how to play the flute.
I drink out of a big girl cup. I lost three teeth and I have a new one coming in. My favorite time of the day is mornings. I like it when a new day starts, because you never know what to expect.
I am going to dress up as Dorothy for Halloween. My costume is a little big, so I am trying to gain weight. My favorite holidays are Christmas and Easter. I also like my birthday, because I get to do whatever I want.
I have a fairy costume. I like to play dress up. My favorite toy is a stuffed animal I made at Build-a-Bear. It is a poodle with a baby. I like my Barbie’s and my American Girl doll. Her name is Leah. We have two matching outfits.
We might be able to get a camping truck and travel to places. We will only take a few toys. I like to travel to different places. I want to go see Miami Beach.
I like to be my family. I like to play games with them and read stories.
When I grow up I want to be a chemist and mix potions.
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