Today Haley turned 6 years old! Our family tradition is that the birthday girl (or boy) gets to do whatever they want for the entire day. Christopher took Haley to build a bear. She built a “Cat in the Hat” and dressed her in a pirate costume to match her own Halloween costume. She named her Elizabeth Swann. Her brother also gave her the “Spiderman 3” DVD.
We all went to “Trunk or Treat” at our church, along with my sister Diana, her Husband Mike, and the kids, Daniel and Michelle. We decorated our van with skeletons. After the kids got tons of candy at church, we drove over to the West Side. The entire block was decorated with wonderful Halloween decorations, and every house was giving candy and treats. I have never seen so many kids out trick or treating. We had to stand in line at each house we went to! At one house, we received gift certificates for a free week of karate lessons! After the kids filled their buckets, we came home to sing Happy Birthday to Haley, and to eat the chocolate cake we baked.
It was a great Halloween, shared with family and friends. Now we are just worn out!