Last weekend, we spent a hot, dusty, glorious day at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire. We walked around and tried to see as many of the craft booths as possible. We learned how to spin wool, and watched a blacksmith at work. We saw some very cool acts. There was a man who performed amazing feats with whips, a juggler and a belly dancer who danced while balancing a sword on her head. There were musicians and salesmen, rides and food everywhere, especially the traditional turkey leg. I would recommend the spinach crepe. An of course, everyone spoke in “ye olde English”. We were occasionally stopped by people wanting to photograph us in our faire regalia, especially my three little princesses. One of the highlights of the day for the princesses was when Queen Elizabeth officially made them “ladies of the court”

(yes, I actually let myself be photographed...I loved my green wench's costume).There was a booth with wands that made enormous bubbles. The princesses spent quite a long while enjoying playing with them. The highlight of my day (not) was when Princess Pickle got her head stuck.
The following day, we celebrated my brother Carlos’ son Christian’s eight birthday at Mountasia in Valencia.

This weekend, the Ortega girls are going to stay home and veg out. Well, not mom. I’ve got a paper and an exam to study for before the Spring semester is all wrapped up. But it has been a busy couple of months. We need the break!