Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Westbergs

Homeschooler's rant
The Ortega girls have just been overwhelmed with life lately! Especially me...between work, school, homeschooling and family and social obligations we have no breathing room! This week Skylar is doing state testing. I am not in favor of having her test, it's one of the reasons I homeschool. I want to be in control of my children's education. However, with the recent anti-homeschooling court ruling, I felt it best to comply...What can I say, apparently the government knows better than I do what is best for my children. I respect the right of others to stick their kids in the public school system, I just want equal consideration. Furthermore, with the state cutting down on the arts and physical activities, I don't feel that my children would get the education I want them to have. I feel that there is too much emphasis on the three R's. While learning to read, write, and count is certainly important, so is art, music and creativity. I feel that lately the public school seems to stamp out creativity and individuality in all but the most strong minded of children. I want to encourage creativity and self expression in my children. I want to instill morals and leadership skills in them. Although I get quite a bit of criticism regarding my choices, my children are well mannered and sociable. They make friends quickly and have many. Since they have never been bullied, teased or put down, they do not lack self confidence. Studies have found no evidence that homeschooled children lack social skills. As a matter of fact, studies by both the Cato Institute and the Fraiser Institute find “*the typical home-schooled child is more mature, friendly, happy, thoughtful, competent, and better socialized than students in public or private schools. “ Lawrence Rudner's 1998 study on US homeschoolers states "**the achievement test scores of this group of home school students are exceptionally high". I may be a bit prejudiced, but I consider my children extremely bright. And while they are not averse to playing video games, they do prefer to run around outside or work on crafts rather than sit in front of the television set all day. We don’t even have cable. They enjoy classical music, opera and the ballet. Although they will get tired after a couple of hours, they enjoy art museums. All three of my girls love history, (they call it story time) Like all children, they are curious about how the world around them works, and science is their favorite class. They are imaginative, and will spend hours putting together their own storybooks and plays. When you homeschool, everything is a learning opportunity, whether it be a visit to the theatre or the doctor’s office. At a recent visit to the chiropractor’s office, Skylar asked the doctor about a model of a skeleton he had in a corner. The appointment turned into an anatomy lesson. On an afternoon walk through the neighborhood, we’ll have a contest to see who can read the most signs. Even while we are doing formal schoolwork, the girls consider many of the exercises “games”. Perhaps some families do need the state to step in and tell them how to manage their families. For others, public or private school is the best choice. Not everyone is cut out to homeschool. However, for my own family, and thousand of families like mine, homeschooling is the best choice.
Sky City
I haven't posted in several days because things have been so busy and hectic. It seems like we are always on the go! I few days ago we went to our friend Everret Jayden's Birthday Party. It was one of the coolest party's we have ever been to. Even the grown-ups had a great time!
The party was held at Sky City in Canyon Country, which has two enormous rooms full of bouncers, huge slides and even table hockey! After the party, we headed over to Ani and Alvin's house to celebrate Ani's 25th birthday. I know it's corny, but it is hard to believe that my baby is all grown up, a married woman, and the world's greatest mom to boot. :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Mommy’s Little Impressionists

One of the advantages of homesschooling is that you can put as much time and efforts into the arts as you feel is necessary or appropriate. Unlike the public school system, we are not subject to budget cuts, although we are limited by household income. Recently, we studied the impressionists, Particularly Monet. We combined this with a study of color and lights, in particular, tints, and how they are created. The following photo shows the Ortega girls interpretation of Monet’s “Water Lilies”. The background is made of tints of blue, green and purple and the lilies are made of construction paper. Skylar decided to go for a 3-D effect.
Is permanent marker really permanent?

The pertinent questions of childhood; how many rocks can you stick up your nose? Where can you hide your dinner if you don't want to eat it? And, is permanent marker really permanent? My four year old, known as Pickle to family and friends has been on a quest to answer these and other important questions. This is what she has come up with so far: How many rocks can you stick up your nose? Only one, and it hurts! Furthermore, it requires a trip to the emergency room, during which you mother will alternatively act hysterical and embarrassed. Question number two: Where can you hide dinner items you don't want to eat? Answer: Nowhere...the family dog will always give you away! Question Number three: Is permanent marker really permanent? Answer: Well, it would appear so. Pickle colored her toenails with black permanent marker in an attempt to find the answer to this age-old question. After several attempts with nail polish remover and numerous scrubbings, her toenails have faded to a murky sort of purple, but we are unable to remove the color.
(BTW, anyone who knows how to remove permanent marker from toenails, without the use of harsh chemicals, please post it here or send me an email)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lil' Sis Roni

Since I'm on roll, I'm pretty proud of my baby sister, Veronica, too. She will be graduating with her AA this spring as well. She has worked very hard, through her first labor and childbirth. (She and her hubs Nesto are wonderful parents, by the way)While a student at Cerritos College, she was also an officer for Phi Theta Kappa. http://www.cerritosptk.org:80/html/officers.html Through her hard work maintaining a high GPA, and her service, she managed to make the All-California Academic Team! http://www.ccleague.org/files/public/032608_PTKRelease.pdf
Alvin graduates!

Christopher is going to Hawaii!

Christopher got a huge surprise...he is going to Hawaii for his 19th birthday! This is a joint gift from his Uncle Dave & Auntie Teri, Ani & Alvin, and Mom. Ani and I did want to wait until he was actually getting on the plane to surprise him, but Dave didn't think it would be very fair. Still, I think he was pretty surprised...what do you think?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Swimming in the AV

Skylar started swimming lesson today. She was so excited! She did take "Mommy and Me" swim lessons a few years ago, but we didn't follow up on it. Skylar started in Level 1 swim at Eastside Pool here in Lancaster. It's a very nice pool, indoors. She had a terrific time, laughing and smiling through the whole class. She declared her instructor, Ryan, "full of fun". We can't wait until the next lesson!
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