What is it about the word "bedtime" that makes your children act like you've fed them 3 pounds of sugar? They were calm and relaxed after dinner, perfect little angels...suddenly mom says, "bedtime!" an they go into a franzy! Kaelyn will dig through every toy she owns, looking for the perfect bedtime companion. Then of course, she has to put them all away again. Haley will empty out the kitchen cabinet, insisting that she needs "just one more bedtime snack" and that she will absolutley starve to death if I don't prepare her a four course meal...okay, well maybe just pancakes. Skylar just can't go to sleep without going over here whole entire day with the rest of us in detail. If she is really on a roll, she will go back years! So, even though I have to be up at 4:30 a.m. to service one of my clients, it seems like I never get to bed before the crack of dawn. Well, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration...